15 lbs. 11 oz.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Week 9
15 lbs. 1 oz.
This week we took you to the Drive-In to see Transformers and Star Trek! Ok, so it was a little more for us than it was for you, but you had a wonderful time sleeping though it all anyway :-)
You are Mommy's little snuggle muffin... my little Nadi-mush. You are sleeping on my chest as I type this and your still very newborn-like smell is so intoxicating.
I chose to share these pictures from the Drive-In because you wore your special sweater for the first time and it looks sooo cute on you!!! Meg made it special for you and it couldn't possibly be more perfect. (Thanks, Meg!)
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Week 7
You went to your first wedding this week and slept through the entire thing. You also had another first this week... Mama drove you home from that wedding!!!
But you slept through that too. LOL
Tomorrow you are going to Marineland! That's gonna be lots of fun, can't wait :-)
Friday, June 12, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
4 Weeks!
11 lbs. 12 oz.
This week you caught your first cold. Justus was sick and there was little chance you wouldn't catch it with how much he smothers you. You were so congested you couldn't nurse. Mommy had to resort to using a nasal aspirator, which you did NOT like at all. That's when you produced your very first actual tear :-( You're still a little congested but I'm sure you'll be fine soon.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
What does giving birth feel like?
Rixa, over at Stand and Deliver, posted this question with her own answer on her blog. She asked what her readers answers would be but I don't think I could fit mine into a little response so I've chosen to make a blog post of it.
So what does giving birth feel like?
I have several answers for that. I have had 3 hospital births, 2 of them with pitocin and epidurals and one with just pitocin and no pain killers at all. Then I've had 4 homebirths and even those were each VERY different from one another as far as physical sensations are concerned.
In my first hospital birth, I had NO CLUE what pitocin was and I thought I could labor with it no problem. I held off on the epidural as long as I could. I believe it was a good 7-8 hours into active labor before I completely fell apart and begged for mercy. Both of my hands were covered in blisters from squeezing the side rail of the bed through each contraction. The pitocin was UNBEARABLE. But I was at least twice as stubborn and I wanted my "drug free" birth. I wanted to know what it felt like without being numbed. I wish I had known more about pitocin then, and how it would create an unnatural pattern and intensity with each contraction. Anyway, back to what it felt like. It was 12 years ago, so it may be a little foggy, but I remember the sensations being sharp and starting low in my abdomen (very menstrual-cramp like) and eventually covering the entire thing. Once I got the epidural, I was numbed on one side only for the remainder of the labor.
With my second hospital birth, I was only in labour for 4.5 hours total. I was having round ligament pain (didn't know that then) combined with menstrual cramps. The pain was so intense I couldn't sit or stand without crying. I called my OB who then had me come in and get checked. He said I was 3 cm and should head to the hospital. To this day I don't believe I was actually in labor. I believe my OB was just saying it's o.k. to induce now, but I didn't catch on. We had discussed just the week before that my insurance through my job was going to end the day before my due date. So my guess is that he was comfortable inducing at that point since we would both benefit financially if we didn't wait until it was too late. I say all of that so that you understand my labor sensations were brought on completely by pitocin. As soon as I got to the hospital I asked for the epidural. I had experience now and knew it took about an hour after asking before I'd get it. So with this birth I can't really say what it felt like, other than dull, numbed sensations until my water broke and 10 minutes later I laughed as they wiggled her body out of me. I couldn't feel anything.
Third hospital birth was a planned unassisted homebirth. I hadn't really planned for my water to break at 6 a.m. and by 10 p.m. not having even one contraction. Worrying that something wasn't right, I asked my dad to take me to the hospital. Upon arriving, my first contraction came full force and 3 hours later he was born. They gave me pitocin immediately along with 2 bags of antibiotics for having stayed home so long with ruptured membranes. Again, the pitocin induced pain was excruciating and unbearable. I believe that it is made even worse by having mom lie on her back! I wouldn't know that though until after my homebirth. I remember having my fists clenched and using all of my upper body stregth to hold my bum off the bed. This time, they had the pitocin so high that there wasn't any breaks in between contractions and no time to even catch my breath. I am honestly surprised that after enduring that for a couple of hours I didn't end up with a ruptured uterus. It was a nightmare.
My first (unassisted) homebirth, 2.5 hour labor, relatively pain free. I remember my contractions being very intense. Lots of pressure. The sensations while still somewhat familiar were very different than the ones I was use to in the hospital. I was very calm and confident for this birth. I believe that had everything to do with how I experienced it physically. It was the first time I wasn't lying on my back, strapped to machines. It was very relaxing and I was surprised when only a couple of hours into the labor I felt his head enter the birth canal. That's when the intense pressure seemed to stop and a very pleasurable sensation took over as he emerged. It felt really good.
Second homebirth, I had the flu, hadn't slept in two days and attempted a castor oil induction. HOLY PAINFUL CONTRACTIONS! Oh, how I set myself up for that one. These pains were similar to the hospital pitocin pains, except I could sleep for a minute in between. But these had the added bonus of the castor oil effect. Nothing like laboring with a horrible stomach ache! I was convinced that *this* time I was knocking on deaths door LOL I was traumatised for months after this birth. How to describe the sensation? I don't even think I can. I had pain everywhere. Really sharp shooting pains. There was no relief as she was emerging. She was in a less than ideal position as she came out (not sure exactly how, I was totally out of it and didn't care one bit!) and I believe that had a lot to do with it.
Third homebirth, I prepared a lot better for this birth, mostly having convinced myself to have patience and let things progress in their right time. The contractions weren't painful, just intense pressure. Even as his head was coming down and out I remember thinking, "wow! all I need is Ivan's hand firmly pressed on my tailbone and I feel alright!" Very cool. So what did they feel like? I remember it feeling very much like menstrual cramps that traveled up my abdomen. I am one of those women who have double-over-in-pain menstrual cramps, so when I say it felt like menstrual cramps I am not saying it was easy-breezy. It was certainly manageable.
Fourth homebirth, (this is Nadi's birth) the contractions were even different than all the rest of my births. Funny how they can feel the same but different. This was the first time I ever labored and nursed a feverish toddler. So my contractions were SO intense especially when he was breastfeeding. It was impossible to take him off the breast as the contractions came so there was nipple stimulation increasing the contraction sensation tenfold, or at least it felt that way! I had contractions before the pool, in the pool, outside of the pool (wet and cold) and on the toilet. All of them feeling a little different from another with the WORST being on the toilet. I honestly don't understand the women who sit on the toilet for contractions on purpose saying they feel relief. I felt like I was going to implode, or at the very least split in two! I had 2 contractions on the toilet, both of them were unintentional, I just had to pee and the toilet was closer than my pee bucket. Those contractions felt like they lasted 4 minutes long compared to the regular 1-1.5 minute contraction. And the pain was EVERYWHERE! Super sharp pain. Those are the ones where you actually think to yourself "ya know, dying doesn't sound so bad right about now!", that is, if you can think at all through them. I remember using all of my strength to pull on Ivan's arms through one of them and not caring one bit if it was hurting him. I couldn't, I didn't have a choice. See how those 2 little monstrous contractions have taken over this whole paragraph? Meanwhile, I was laboring for 12 hours. Just goes to show what the mind hangs on to. I had no relief with this birth either. I thought to myself that as soon as his head engages the intensity will stop and I will have some relief. Nope, nothing doin'. I have NEVER been that vocal in any of my births. In fact I usually make no noise at all besides heavy, controlled breathing. With Nadi, I screamed like a banshee. I would pick a note and yell it through the contraction, so it was still a very controlled response but LOUD :-) With Nadi I could feel myself really opening up for him. He felt BIG. I couldn't believe how BIG he felt as his head emerged. He wasn't all that much bigger than the others though.
Anyway, I'm not sure I even answered the question. It's hard to describe something that doesn't happen at any other time in life besides when one gives birth. No amount of words in the English language could give my husband an inkling of what it feels like, kwim?
Birth is amazing. I will forever stand in awe of it's incredible power. It is magical, and mysterious. And for some reason, no matter how difficult, we chose to meet it again someday. Here I am nearly 4 weeks postpartum and I already wonder if I will ever give birth again. The thought terrifies me, and excites me. Time will surely decrease the fear and intensify the desire, it always does. I love my children.
So what does giving birth feel like?
I have several answers for that. I have had 3 hospital births, 2 of them with pitocin and epidurals and one with just pitocin and no pain killers at all. Then I've had 4 homebirths and even those were each VERY different from one another as far as physical sensations are concerned.
In my first hospital birth, I had NO CLUE what pitocin was and I thought I could labor with it no problem. I held off on the epidural as long as I could. I believe it was a good 7-8 hours into active labor before I completely fell apart and begged for mercy. Both of my hands were covered in blisters from squeezing the side rail of the bed through each contraction. The pitocin was UNBEARABLE. But I was at least twice as stubborn and I wanted my "drug free" birth. I wanted to know what it felt like without being numbed. I wish I had known more about pitocin then, and how it would create an unnatural pattern and intensity with each contraction. Anyway, back to what it felt like. It was 12 years ago, so it may be a little foggy, but I remember the sensations being sharp and starting low in my abdomen (very menstrual-cramp like) and eventually covering the entire thing. Once I got the epidural, I was numbed on one side only for the remainder of the labor.
With my second hospital birth, I was only in labour for 4.5 hours total. I was having round ligament pain (didn't know that then) combined with menstrual cramps. The pain was so intense I couldn't sit or stand without crying. I called my OB who then had me come in and get checked. He said I was 3 cm and should head to the hospital. To this day I don't believe I was actually in labor. I believe my OB was just saying it's o.k. to induce now, but I didn't catch on. We had discussed just the week before that my insurance through my job was going to end the day before my due date. So my guess is that he was comfortable inducing at that point since we would both benefit financially if we didn't wait until it was too late. I say all of that so that you understand my labor sensations were brought on completely by pitocin. As soon as I got to the hospital I asked for the epidural. I had experience now and knew it took about an hour after asking before I'd get it. So with this birth I can't really say what it felt like, other than dull, numbed sensations until my water broke and 10 minutes later I laughed as they wiggled her body out of me. I couldn't feel anything.
Third hospital birth was a planned unassisted homebirth. I hadn't really planned for my water to break at 6 a.m. and by 10 p.m. not having even one contraction. Worrying that something wasn't right, I asked my dad to take me to the hospital. Upon arriving, my first contraction came full force and 3 hours later he was born. They gave me pitocin immediately along with 2 bags of antibiotics for having stayed home so long with ruptured membranes. Again, the pitocin induced pain was excruciating and unbearable. I believe that it is made even worse by having mom lie on her back! I wouldn't know that though until after my homebirth. I remember having my fists clenched and using all of my upper body stregth to hold my bum off the bed. This time, they had the pitocin so high that there wasn't any breaks in between contractions and no time to even catch my breath. I am honestly surprised that after enduring that for a couple of hours I didn't end up with a ruptured uterus. It was a nightmare.
My first (unassisted) homebirth, 2.5 hour labor, relatively pain free. I remember my contractions being very intense. Lots of pressure. The sensations while still somewhat familiar were very different than the ones I was use to in the hospital. I was very calm and confident for this birth. I believe that had everything to do with how I experienced it physically. It was the first time I wasn't lying on my back, strapped to machines. It was very relaxing and I was surprised when only a couple of hours into the labor I felt his head enter the birth canal. That's when the intense pressure seemed to stop and a very pleasurable sensation took over as he emerged. It felt really good.
Second homebirth, I had the flu, hadn't slept in two days and attempted a castor oil induction. HOLY PAINFUL CONTRACTIONS! Oh, how I set myself up for that one. These pains were similar to the hospital pitocin pains, except I could sleep for a minute in between. But these had the added bonus of the castor oil effect. Nothing like laboring with a horrible stomach ache! I was convinced that *this* time I was knocking on deaths door LOL I was traumatised for months after this birth. How to describe the sensation? I don't even think I can. I had pain everywhere. Really sharp shooting pains. There was no relief as she was emerging. She was in a less than ideal position as she came out (not sure exactly how, I was totally out of it and didn't care one bit!) and I believe that had a lot to do with it.
Third homebirth, I prepared a lot better for this birth, mostly having convinced myself to have patience and let things progress in their right time. The contractions weren't painful, just intense pressure. Even as his head was coming down and out I remember thinking, "wow! all I need is Ivan's hand firmly pressed on my tailbone and I feel alright!" Very cool. So what did they feel like? I remember it feeling very much like menstrual cramps that traveled up my abdomen. I am one of those women who have double-over-in-pain menstrual cramps, so when I say it felt like menstrual cramps I am not saying it was easy-breezy. It was certainly manageable.
Fourth homebirth, (this is Nadi's birth) the contractions were even different than all the rest of my births. Funny how they can feel the same but different. This was the first time I ever labored and nursed a feverish toddler. So my contractions were SO intense especially when he was breastfeeding. It was impossible to take him off the breast as the contractions came so there was nipple stimulation increasing the contraction sensation tenfold, or at least it felt that way! I had contractions before the pool, in the pool, outside of the pool (wet and cold) and on the toilet. All of them feeling a little different from another with the WORST being on the toilet. I honestly don't understand the women who sit on the toilet for contractions on purpose saying they feel relief. I felt like I was going to implode, or at the very least split in two! I had 2 contractions on the toilet, both of them were unintentional, I just had to pee and the toilet was closer than my pee bucket. Those contractions felt like they lasted 4 minutes long compared to the regular 1-1.5 minute contraction. And the pain was EVERYWHERE! Super sharp pain. Those are the ones where you actually think to yourself "ya know, dying doesn't sound so bad right about now!", that is, if you can think at all through them. I remember using all of my strength to pull on Ivan's arms through one of them and not caring one bit if it was hurting him. I couldn't, I didn't have a choice. See how those 2 little monstrous contractions have taken over this whole paragraph? Meanwhile, I was laboring for 12 hours. Just goes to show what the mind hangs on to. I had no relief with this birth either. I thought to myself that as soon as his head engages the intensity will stop and I will have some relief. Nope, nothing doin'. I have NEVER been that vocal in any of my births. In fact I usually make no noise at all besides heavy, controlled breathing. With Nadi, I screamed like a banshee. I would pick a note and yell it through the contraction, so it was still a very controlled response but LOUD :-) With Nadi I could feel myself really opening up for him. He felt BIG. I couldn't believe how BIG he felt as his head emerged. He wasn't all that much bigger than the others though.
Anyway, I'm not sure I even answered the question. It's hard to describe something that doesn't happen at any other time in life besides when one gives birth. No amount of words in the English language could give my husband an inkling of what it feels like, kwim?
Birth is amazing. I will forever stand in awe of it's incredible power. It is magical, and mysterious. And for some reason, no matter how difficult, we chose to meet it again someday. Here I am nearly 4 weeks postpartum and I already wonder if I will ever give birth again. The thought terrifies me, and excites me. Time will surely decrease the fear and intensify the desire, it always does. I love my children.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
I wanted to post this yesterday when he turned 3 weeks but I couldn't find the plug to get the pics off the camera. Hopefully I'll find it this afternoon.
So Nadi is now 10 lbs 11oz. Even though he was my biggest baby at birth, he is gaining rather slowly compared to the others. Every baby is different I suppose :-) Honestly, I don't mind having a baby who fits into his clothes for more than a week! He sure is eating well though, WOW! The children beg to hold him all day, which is a good thing when it comes time for me to eat or shower because there's never a shortage of hands wanting to hold him. Basically, this baby is never put down :-) which is exactly as it should be.
Nadeus has really taken to doing his business in the potty. He will fuss when he has to go, giving me plenty of time to get him over the bowl. Admittedly, I miss LOTS of his pees, cause OMG can this child pee!!! But poops he will hold in until he's over the bowl. Gotta love mommy spreading his elimination business over the world wide web, huh? I tell ya.
Well... hopefully I'll get those pics up later!
So Nadi is now 10 lbs 11oz. Even though he was my biggest baby at birth, he is gaining rather slowly compared to the others. Every baby is different I suppose :-) Honestly, I don't mind having a baby who fits into his clothes for more than a week! He sure is eating well though, WOW! The children beg to hold him all day, which is a good thing when it comes time for me to eat or shower because there's never a shortage of hands wanting to hold him. Basically, this baby is never put down :-) which is exactly as it should be.
Nadeus has really taken to doing his business in the potty. He will fuss when he has to go, giving me plenty of time to get him over the bowl. Admittedly, I miss LOTS of his pees, cause OMG can this child pee!!! But poops he will hold in until he's over the bowl. Gotta love mommy spreading his elimination business over the world wide web, huh? I tell ya.
Well... hopefully I'll get those pics up later!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Day 14 - TWO WEEKS!
I can't believe two weeks have passed already. It's amazing how much love can grow in two short weeks. Life is pretty simple for you right now. All you want is to stay dry, sleep a bunch and eat even more than that :-) People make such a fuss about how much work newborns are, but I think it's pretty simple as long as you are committed to your new position, and not much else. It's when the little ones get a little bigger, and they learn how to say "no!", that's when the real work begins! For now, we continue to lay in bed and swim in the bliss of newness. I'm in no rush for this to end.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Days 12 & 13
Day 12
We picked up a new car seat for Seraphina today, you enjoyed the ride, well I'm guessing you did cause you slept the entire time. I was really surprised that you didn't go in your diaper the whole time we were out! Instead you waited until we were home and I put you over the potty. You've done that each time I've taken you out so far.

Day 13
Today you took a bath with mommy :-)
You LOVED it. As soon as I put your entire body in the warm water you completely relaxed and enjoyed your time in there.

We picked up a new car seat for Seraphina today, you enjoyed the ride, well I'm guessing you did cause you slept the entire time. I was really surprised that you didn't go in your diaper the whole time we were out! Instead you waited until we were home and I put you over the potty. You've done that each time I've taken you out so far.
Day 13
Today you took a bath with mommy :-)
You LOVED it. As soon as I put your entire body in the warm water you completely relaxed and enjoyed your time in there.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Day 10 & 11
Day 10
The baby afghan I knitted for you has been a blessing. You shiver if I wrap you in anything else!
Day 11
Sleepy time with Papa
Sleepy time with Papa
Monday, May 11, 2009
:: EVERY Day Is "Mother's Day" ::
Yesterday was Mother's Day in many countries, and
mothers around the world were honored and appreciated
for the many ways they bless our families. But the
holiday is often tainted by our culturally induced
tendency to glorify *self-sacrifice*.
When mothers are treated like royalty for one day as
a reward for their selfless devotion to the family,
it subtly undermines the partnership between mothers
and those they care for, *and* it perpetuates the
notion that mothering is a grind the other 364 days
of the year.
So here's a radical proposition for every mother who
has ever bought into the idea of self-sacrifice as a
Decide that EVERY day is Mother's Day! Don't settle
for anything less than a predominantly pleasureful
path of mothering.
And remember that the best way to raise kids who
enjoy life is to let them see your commitment to
enjoying life yourself!
--> Get The Daily Groove BOOK!
Feel free to forward this message to your friends!
(Please include this paragraph and everything above.)
Copyright (c) 2009 by Scott Noelle
Sunday, May 10, 2009
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