My beloved has gone away for another week in California. This time I plan to take it A LOT easier while he's gone. Last time, I was all swollen and in pain by the time he came home because I did so much so fast. I don't think I'll be doing that again.
This time the only project requiring physical labor is painting the master bedroom and our closet area. I've been dying to get this done, especially since this will be my birth space and I want it to feel peaceful and inviting. I really don't like the color on the walls right now, it's some sort of pale lilac that's not very easy on the eyes. It's gonna feel really good when it's all done :-) I'll post some before and after pics.
Other than that, my intention is to continue learning how to knit and work on little Dewdrop's afghan. This is beyond exciting for me :-) Knitting is something I've always wanted to know how to do but never knew of anyone with the time or patience to teach me. My friend Meg, who happens to be a VERY talented knitter (check out her blog!) is teaching me the ropes. With her help and the tutorials on YouTube I am actually knitting, YAY! Thanks Meg!!!
This is where I'm at so far...

I'm proud of those couple inches :-)
This time the only project requiring physical labor is painting the master bedroom and our closet area. I've been dying to get this done, especially since this will be my birth space and I want it to feel peaceful and inviting. I really don't like the color on the walls right now, it's some sort of pale lilac that's not very easy on the eyes. It's gonna feel really good when it's all done :-) I'll post some before and after pics.
Other than that, my intention is to continue learning how to knit and work on little Dewdrop's afghan. This is beyond exciting for me :-) Knitting is something I've always wanted to know how to do but never knew of anyone with the time or patience to teach me. My friend Meg, who happens to be a VERY talented knitter (check out her blog!) is teaching me the ropes. With her help and the tutorials on YouTube I am actually knitting, YAY! Thanks Meg!!!
This is where I'm at so far...

I'm proud of those couple inches :-)
Ya, keep youself well, and don't try to be a super-pre-mama. Knitting sounds much better & easier than painting.
always happy to have another knitter around! your friends blog is great by the way! try to take it easy this week girl!
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