Monday, March 30, 2009

New Medicine Cabinet, YAY!

I've been begging hubby to smash a hole in our bathroom wall and put up this beautiful recessed medicine cabinet we received as a gift from good friends (thank you William and Linda!)

Today was the day :-) They hit some road bumps as they cut through the drywall and a huge pipe was revealed beneath, but they went out and bought some parts to move the pipe to a more suitable location. Happy me!

I've been waiting so patiently for a place to put all of my natural remedies and toiletries and such. It's so perfect where it is! I finally feel like my birth space is ready... except of course for curtains and curtain rods that need to be purchased and put up next week.

I love it!

1 comment:

the_witty_knitter said...

It looks great! Nice job :D