One Week Old - 9.14 lbs
To celebrate, we went out to dinner last night. It was your first car ride and mommy was VERY nervous! It was so wonderful to get OUT though. I carried you in a pouch sling the entire time and you slept through most of it. You even went "potty" in a public washroom for the first time! Mommy was so happy that you were able to stay dry while we were out.
Of course, I had Julie take pics (see below).
We came home and snuggled with you for the rest of the night. You slept diaper-less for the first time last night. It was so nice. I had a prefold underneath you and a prefold on top. You woke up twice to go potty and have your milkies :-)
Today was filled with a lot of "firsts". Your umbilical cord stump fell off this morning! What a relief that was. I was worrying about it silently because I used yarn to tie it off (I knew better!) and the yarn wound up melting into and becoming part of the stump. I've been putting breastmilk on it for days and it looks really good now.
Julie and I took you for your first walk outside this morning and I put you in my Beco baby carrier for the first time! You loved this one much more than the pouch sling. I think it was way more comfortable for you, and me too.
Julie and I took you for your first walk outside this morning and I put you in my Beco baby carrier for the first time! You loved this one much more than the pouch sling. I think it was way more comfortable for you, and me too.
After the walk we took you out shopping! You need to get use to this because you'll be tagging along with mommy for a long while. You picked up some Fuzzi Bunz for your diaper bag, and a really CUTE outfit mommy wanted for you from before you were born but the store was out of your size and color then, you lucked out!

Another first... I gave you a full bath today! Your skin is peeling like crazy so I figured a bath and a massage afterward with almond oil would do you good. You HATED the bath, LOVED the massage.

I'm loving being able to see and read about lil Nadi's new adventures, he is so precious, I cant get over what a big boy he is, and how wonderful you look but more important, how happy you look !
Oh, hon, he's so perfect! He gets cuter EVERY DAY. Thank you so much for posting all these wonderful pictures!!!
You look amazing, and I'm so impressed that you've been out so much already! Good for you! (Isn't it nice to soak up this nice sunshine?)
I'm on the mend, but not sure I'm safe to be around baby yet. Still coughing lots. I'll be by just as soon as I kick this thing! :)
The weather has been perfect for taking baby out :-)
I owe you an email... I'm on that tomorrow!
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