Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Hey Janice...

I'm wondering if in my ignorance I too quickly dismissed your suggestion that I might be dealing with yeast :-/ Sorry about that. I suppose I was hoping it would be more something more simple... like NOTHING lol :) I plan to find out next week at my ND appointment if she can write up a prescription for the Newman cream.

Not long after I posted that entry I started having shooting pains at random times of the day when he wasn't even latched on. I'm thinking, that's probably not just a pregnancy hormone thing, huh?

If I have any questions, I'll be coming to you!


Janice said...

I have a blank script from Dr. Newman himself that he emailed me I can email it to you directly..what is your email?

Janice said...

I'm the infection Queen!! Dealing with it for 3yrs on and off-always triggered by hormones (which changes the skin on the nipple making it suseptable) and sugar-either my consumption or his! Dr. Newman says any sort of pain after nursing has been established is almost always yeast...

Angel said...

my email is joyfulone at rogers dot com

I'm already on a diet to keep yeasties at bay, but Justus isn't. In fact he's had more sugar lately (thanks grandma!) than usual.

Thanks for your help :)